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Title ID
flashback with debuff challenge

Adventurous is an Ouroboros badge.

Characters gain the Adventurous badge by completing any of the following flashbacks with the Players are under constant debuff challenge setting enabled.

Flashbacks eligible for tier III challenge badges
IDAlignLvTitlereward merits
0.10herovigilante24The Sky Raider Secret15
0.11herovigilante24Hands of Iron23
0.14herovigilante24The Wheel of Destruction23
0.16herovigilante24The Tsoo Coup43
3.01herovigilante25Ring of Peebles (Striga, Ch. 1)25
3.02herovigilante25Hear and Now (Striga, Ch. 2)27
3.10herovigilante25Winslowe and the Cosmotron18
6.28villainrogue24Iron Widow10
6.29villainrogue24Carpe Diem8
6.31villainrogue24Any Body Will Do5
6.33villainrogue24Coral Bonanza8
6.34villainrogue24Breaking the Cage10
6.35villainrogue24Kings of the Sky10
6.36villainrogue24Operation Skyhook12
6.37villainrogue24A Web of Intrigue18
6.38villainrogue24Disturbing the Dead8
8.03herovigilante24The Buried Past (Faultline, Ch. 3)10
8.04herovigilante24The Buried Past (Faultline, Ch. 4)25
11.03herovigilante34Smoke and Mirrors12
12.09villainrogue50If At First You Don't Succeed3
13.01herovigilante25The Dirge of Chaos7
13.02herovigilante25The Magic Man5
13.03herovigilante25The Crown of Glory7
21.16any29Abused and Scorned Tho' We May Be (First Ward, Ch. 2)9
21.19any29Dark Visions (First Ward, Ch. 5)9
21.22any29Blood Begets Blood (First Ward, Ch. 8)9

Characters with this badge can use /set_title 871 to select Adventurous as their title.