- Category
- day job
- Title ID
- 1081
- Requires
- 100 logout hours in AE
- Required for
Experienced Architect (more time)
Master Architect
Architect is a day job badge.
Characters gain the Architect badge by logging in at any location with Day Job: Architect after 100 logged-out hours accumulated at such locations.
Characters with this badge receive 1 second of Experienced Architect for every 84 seconds logged out in any location with Day Job: Architect, instead of the normal 1 second for every 120 seconds logged out.
Day Job: Architect locations are the inside of all Architect Entertainment buildings. Logged-out time in these locations also counts for the Invigorate day job power. The Architect Entertainment building in Echo: Galaxy City is not accessible.
Characters with this badge can use /set_title 1081 to select Architect
as their title.
The Master Architect accolade requires Architect.