Whistleblower/Crey Scientist

- Hero/vigilante
- Whistleblower
- Villain/rogue
- Crey Scientist
- Category
- accolade
- Alignment
- villain/rogue
- Title ID
- 1077
- Requires
Crey Test Subject/
Crey Employee - Required for
Sleep Gas
Whistleblower/Crey Scientist requires:
- the Professor badge from 100 logout hours in a university
- the Crey Test Subject/Crey Employee badge from 100 logout hours in the Crey building
Only villains and rogues can gain Whistleblower/Crey Scientist. Heroes and vigilantes with the required badges can gain the accolade by becoming villains or rogues.
Characters with this accolade receive a Sleep Gas charge for every 13⅓ hours logged out in any location with Day Job: Professor or Day Job: Crey Employee.
Day Job: Professor locations are the inside of universities in Steel Canyon, Founders' Falls, Imperial City, Kallisti Wharf, Cap Au Diable, and Croatoa. Logged-out time in these locations also counts for the Professor, Revive Ally, and Invigorate day job powers. Abandoned labs are not day job locations.
The only Day Job: Crey Employee location is the inside of the Crey Industries building in Nerva Archipelago. Logged-out time in this location also counts for the Crey Employee day job power.
Characters with this accolade can use /set_title 1077 to select Whistleblower
as their title if heroes or vigilantes, or Crey Scientist
as their title if villains or rogues.