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Title ID
flashback with no enhancement challenge

Decreased is an Ouroboros badge.

Characters gain the Decreased badge by completing any of the following flashbacks with the Enhancements have no effect challenge setting enabled.

Flashbacks eligible for tier VI challenge badges
IDAlignLvTitlereward merits
0.31herovigilante39The Terra Conspiracy32
0.32herovigilante39A Path into Darkness45
0.33herovigilante39Mass Duplicity47
0.34herovigilante39The Organ Grinders35
0.36herovigilante39Revenant Hero Project27
0.38herovigilante39The Envoy of Shadow25
3.13herovigilante40The Nictus Alliance18
6.59villainrogue39Blurring the Lines7
6.60villainrogue39The Secret of the Circle20
6.61villainrogue39A Traitorous History5
6.62villainrogue39Bravo for the Shadow Shard12
6.63villainrogue39Automatic Villainy12
6.66villainrogue39No One Gets It7
6.74villainrogue39Pied Piper5
6.75villainrogue39Chaos Affair13
6.76villainrogue39Fat Cat City8
6.78villainrogue39The Missing Maidens7
6.79villainrogue39Johnny's Squeeze7
6.80villainrogue39Devil May Care23
11.01herovigilante50Ouroboros Initiation12
11.02villainrogue50Ouroboros Initiation10
13.07villainrogue50Power from the Past3

Due to a bug, the team leader gains the Decreased badge by completing either of the first two missions of The Spider Weaves His Web with the Enhancements have no effect challenge setting enabled.

Characters with this badge can use /set_title 930 to select Decreased as their title.