Law Enforcer/Dirty Cop

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Law Enforcer
Dirty Cop
day job
Title ID
100 logout hours in police stations
Required for
Seasoned Law Enforcer (more time)
Police Chief/Corrupt Commissioner
Security Chief/Security Breach

Law Enforcer/Dirty Cop is a day job badge.

Heroes and vigilantes gain the Law Enforcer/Dirty Cop badge by logging in at any location with Day Job: Law Enforcer after 100 logged-out hours accumulated at such locations. Rogues can accumulate the time, then gain the badge by becoming heroes or vigilantes.

Characters with this badge receive 1 second of Seasoned Law Enforcer for every 84 seconds logged out in any location with Day Job: Law Enforcer, instead of the normal 1 second for every 120 seconds logged out.

Day Job: Law Enforcer locations are the inside of Paragon City police stations. Logged-out time in these locations also counts for the Baton and Tear Gas day job powers.

Characters with this badge can use /set_title 1029 to select Law Enforcer as their title if heroes or vigilantes, or Dirty Cop as their title if villains or rogues.

The Police Chief/Corrupt Commissioner and Security Chief/Security Breach accolades require Law Enforcer/Dirty Cop.