Monitor Duty

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day job
Title ID
100 logout hours near base portals
Required for
Monitor Duty Teleporter (more charges)
Rapid Response Member/Trouble Maker

Monitor Duty is a day job badge.

Characters gain the Monitor Duty badge by logging in at any location with Day Job: Monitor Duty after 100 logged-out hours accumulated at such locations.

Characters with this badge receive a Monitor Duty Teleporter charge for every 8.4 hours logged out in any location with Day Job: Monitor Duty, instead of the normal 1 charge for every 12 hours logged out. Due to a bug, characters may receive charges more rapidly than designed.

Day Job: Monitor Duty locations are near base portals. Logged-out time in these locations also counts for the Rapid Response Portal day job power.

Characters with this badge can use /set_title 1048 to select Monitor Duty as their title.

The Rapid Response Member/Trouble Maker accolade requires Monitor Duty.