Pavel Garnier

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Contact location
Skyway City 1551.0 −126.0 −1821.5
Mission levels
Plague Stopper/Deadly Virus
Story arc
The Vahzilok Plague
Introduced by
Alfonse Rubel
Sanjay Chandra
Wilson Zucco
et al.
Amanda Loomis
Dennis Ewell
Hinckley Rasmussen
Jim Bell
Lt. Manuel Ruiz
Tyler French
et al.

Pavel Garnier is a contact in Skyway City. He offers the mission Vahzilok Wasting Disease to level 15–20 heroes and vigilantes, the story arc The Vahzilok Plague to level 15–19 heroes and vigilantes, and other missions to level 14–20 heroes and vigilantes.

Progression[edit | edit source]

Alfonse Rubel, Sanjay Chandra, or Wilson Zucco may introduce Pavel Garnier to level 14–19 heroes and vigilantes. Detective Frasenbacker, Detective Kowaccio, Detective Martins, Detective Rogers, Detective Sluggitt, Detective Westbrush, or other level 14–20 contacts in Steel Canyon or Skyway City may also introduce Pavel Garnier to level 14–19 heroes and vigilantes who do not have Dr. Ann-Marie Engles, Juliana Nehring, or Olivia Chung as a contact.

Pavel Garnier sells the eight standard small inspirations to heroes and vigilantes who have him as a contact.

Characters obtain the Plague Stopper/Deadly Virus accomplishment badge by completing Pavel Garnier's mission Vahzilok Wasting Disease.

Characters obtain 10 minutes of charge for the Ring of Pain power by collecting a display case in Pavel Garnier's mission to defeat auctioneer and his crew. Turning the mission in removes the power.

Characters obtain 1 charge of the Scroll of Ruin power by collecting a bookcase in Pavel Garnier's mission to defeat auctioneer and his crew. Turning the mission in removes the power.

Characters obtain the Vahzilok Wasting Disease power by accepting Pavel Garnier's mission to deliver samples to the professor. Completing the task to defeat Patient Zero and minions removes the power.

Characters can call him after reaching the relationship of colleague at 10 CXP, then speaking to him.

He may introduce other level 14–20 contacts in Steel Canyon or Skyway City, or Jim Temblor, to heroes and vigilantes up to level 19, after reaching the relationship of colleague at 10 CXP.

He introduces Amanda Loomis, Dennis Ewell, Hinckley Rasmussen, Jim Bell, Lt. Manuel Ruiz, or Tyler French to level 20–24 heroes and vigilantes who have none of the six as a contact already, after reaching the relationship of confidant at 70 CXP. Alternatively, regardless of relationship, he introduces a higher level contact in the Prince Kiros Nandelu–Crimson chain to level 20–50 heroes and vigilantes who have no contacts higher than Pavel Garnier in that chain.

Missions[edit | edit source]

Pavel Garnier offers ten missions to level 14–20 heroes and vigilantes.

The mission to destroy plague containers is also available as an Ouroboros flashback to heroes and vigilantes who are level 20–50 or who have already completed it. It is listed as Vahzilok Wasting Disease under guardian (level 15–19), number 0.07.

Mission Levels CXP
Destroy plague containersPlague Stopper/Deadly Virus Level 15–20 0+10 CXP
Stop wave of illnesses Level 15–19 10 CXP
Combat Vahzilok in Steel Canyon Level 14–17 10 CXP
Combat Vahzilok in Faultline Level 14–19 10 CXP
Defeat Luminous Eidolon and her minions Level 15–20 10 CXP
Arrest Lead Brick and his crew Level 15–16 10 CXP
  1. Get information from Outcasts
  2. Defeat auctioneer and his crewRing of PainScroll of Ruin
Level 17–20 5, 10 CXP
Recover Talisman of Jiang Li Level 15–19 10 CXP
Defeat Outcasts in Steel Canyon Level 15–20 10 CXP
Combat Outcasts in Boomtown Level 14–18 10 CXP

He offers the long story arc The Vahzilok Plague to level 15–19 heroes and vigilantes who do not already have five long story arcs or ten total story arcs active. Once characters have this story arc, they can complete it as heroes or vigilantes at any level. The arc's missions have a maximum level of 19, so characters above level 19 may need to adjust notoriety levels to get normal rewards. Completing the arc awards 20 reward merits.

The arc is also available as an Ouroboros flashback to heroes and vigilantes who are level 20–50 or who have already completed it. It is listed under guardian (level 15–19), number 0.06.

The Vahzilok Plague
Mission CXP
Scan Vahzilok for disease info 5 CXP
Eliminate all diseased Vahzilok 10 CXP
  1. Deliver samples to the professorVahzilok Wasting Disease
  2. Defeat Patient Zero and minions
0, 10 CXP
Put an end to Vahzilok plague 0+160 CXP