Pumpkin Master/Pumpkin Mistress

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Pumpkin Master
Pumpkin Mistress
Title ID
333 Fir Bolg
Required for
Geas of the Kind Ones

Pumpkin Master/Pumpkin Mistress is a defeats badge.

Characters gain the Pumpkin Master/Pumpkin Mistress badge by defeating any 333 enemies in the Fir Bolg group.

The character's team must get at least 10% of the credit for a defeat to count toward the badge.

Eochai defeats also count toward the Pumpkin King/Pumpkin Queen badge.

Halloween event Fir Bolg defeats do not count toward this badge. Halloween event Fir Bolg are the Streng minions that spawn from trick or treating, and the version of Eochai that spawns with Unseelie Court enemies.

Characters with this badge can use /set_title 432 to select Pumpkin Master as their title if male, or Pumpkin Mistress as their title if female.

The Geas of the Kind Ones accolade requires Pumpkin Master/Pumpkin Mistress.