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A zone is a public location with capacity for many players at once.

Usually, there is one instance of each zone. A zone instance is destroyed when completely empty of all players, and created when the first player enters, or when an instance is near capacity.

Name A­lign­ment En­e­my lev­el
Atlas Park herovigilanterogue 1–6
Cimerora herovigilantevillainrogue 36–54
Midnighter Club herovigilantevillainrogue none
Kings Row herovigilanterogue 5–15
Steel Canyon herovigilanterogue 10–19
Skyway City herovigilanterogue 10–19
Talos Island herovigilanterogue 20–27
Independence Port herovigilanterogue 20–29
Founders' Falls herovigilanterogue 31–40
Brickstown herovigilanterogue 30–38
Perez Park herovigilanterogue 7–14
'Boomtown' herovigilanterogue 11–19
Echo: Dark Astoria herovigilantevillainrogue 21–29
'Crey's Folly' herovigilanterogue 31–39
Ouroboros herovigilantevillainrogue none
Abandoned Sewer Network herovigilanterogue 35–40
Echo: Faultline herovigilanterogue 15–19
Terra Volta herovigilanterogue 23–29
'Eden' herovigilanterogue 33–39
'The Hive' herovigilanterogue monsters
Sewer Network herovigilanterogue 3–10
Outbreak hero tutorial
Nova Praetoria all 1–8
Imperial City all 9–15
Neutropolis all 15–20
Underground Nova all 4–8
Precinct Five loyalistresistance tutorial
Destroyed Galaxy City herovillain tutorial
Underground Imperial all 9–15
Dark Astoria herovigilantevillainrogue 50–54
Kallisti Wharf herovigilantevillainrogue none
First Ward all 20–30
Underground Neutropolis all 15–20
Night Ward all 25–30
Fort Trident hero none
The Crucible villain none
Echo: Rikti Crash Site herovigilantevillainrogue 40–50
Peregrine Island herovigilanterogue 41–50
The Hollows herovigilanterogue 5–15
The Tunnels herovigilanterogue 12–15
Firebase Zulu herovigilanterogue 40–44
Cascade Archipelago herovigilanterogue 40–44
The Chantry herovigilanterogue 44–47
The Storm Palace herovigilanterogue 48–53
Paragon Dance Party herovigilanterogue none
Striga Isle herovigilanterogue 20–29
Breakout villain tutorial
Mercy Island vigilantevillainrogue 1–7
Port Oakes vigilantevillainrogue 7–12
Cap Au Diable vigilantevillainrogue 8–20
Sharkhead Isle vigilantevillainrogue 20–30
Nerva Archipelago vigilantevillainrogue 25–40
St. Martial vigilantevillainrogue 29–40
Grandville vigilantevillainrogue 40–50
Bloody Bay herovigilantevillainrogue 25 (PvP)
Siren's Call herovigilantevillainrogue 30 (PvP)
Warburg herovigilantevillainrogue 38 (PvP)
Recluse's Victory herovigilantevillainrogue 50 (PvP)
Croatoa herovigilanterogue 25–34
Pocket D all none
Faultline herovigilanterogue 15–25
Rikti War Zone herovigilantevillainrogue 35–54
'The Abyss' herovigilantevillainrogue monsters
Monster Island vigilantevillainrogue 48–50
Echo: Atlas Park herovigilanterogue 1–6
Echo: Galaxy City herovigilanterogue 1–6