Arms Dealer

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Title ID
craft 22 level 35&40 damage
Required for
Field Crafter

Arms Dealer is an invention badge for crafting level 35 and 40 common damage or knockback distance enhancements.

Crafting any 22 level 35 and 40 Invention: Damage or Invention: Knockback Distance enhancements, including at least 11 level 35 and 11 level 40, awards the badge.

Characters who earn Arms Dealer memorize level 35 and 40 Invention: Damage (Recipe) and Invention: Knockback Duration (Recipe), regardless of which enhancements were crafted to earn the badge. When characters craft a memorized recipe, no recipe is required or consumed, and the inf cost is halved.

Characters with this badge can use /set_title 798 to select Arms Dealer as their title.

The Field Crafter accolade requires Arms Dealer.