Hordeling Lasher (badge)

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Title ID
100 Circle Of Thorns Hordelings
Required for
Hordeling Lasher gladiator

Hordeling Lasher is a gladiator badge.

Characters gain the Hordeling Lasher badge by defeating any combination of 100 of the following enemies:

  • Hordeling Berserker, a Circle Of Thorns lieutenant
  • Hordeling Hurler, a Circle Of Thorns lieutenant
  • Hordeling Lasher, a Circle Of Thorns minion

Revived Hordeling Berserkers still count, so Hordeling Berserkers potentially count double.

The character's team must get at least 10% of the credit for a defeat to count toward the badge.

Hordeling Berserker, Hordeling Hurler, and Hordeling Lasher defeats also count toward the Coldblooded/Coldhearted badge.

Characters with this badge can use Hordeling Lasher gladiators for 200 points each in arena gladiator matches.

Characters with this badge can use /set_title 461 to select Hordeling Lasher as their title.