Keeper of Peace/Insider

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Keeper of Peace
Title ID
start on Primal Earth
train to level 20

Keeper of Peace/Insider is an achievement badge.

Characters who started on Primal Earth gain the Keeper of Peace/Insider badge by training to level 20.

Earning Keeper of Peace/Insider also awards a free respec and a free tailor session.

Characters with this badge can use /set_title 22 to select Keeper of Peace as their title if heroes or vigilantes, or Insider as their title if villains or rogues.

Under normal circumstances, heroes and vigilantes gain the Button Man Gunner badge at the same time as this badge, and villains and rogues gain the Wolf Spider Tac Ops badge at the same time as this badge.

Characters who started in Praetoria instead gain the Survivor of Praetoria badge by training to level 20.