Kirsten Woods

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Contact location
Independence Port 2040.0 0.0 −9736.0
Mission levels
Introduced by
Colleen Saramago
Jake Montoya
Maggie Greene
Wyatt Anderson
et al.
Eliza Thorpe
Lorenzo Tate
et al.

Kirsten Woods is a contact in Independence Port. She offers missions to level 20–25 heroes and vigilantes.

Progression[edit | edit source]

Colleen Saramago, Jake Montoya, Maggie Greene, or Wyatt Anderson may introduce Kirsten Woods to level 20–24 heroes and vigilantes. Detective Basinns, Detective Croquette, Detective Davids, Detective Hutchinson, or other level 20–24 contacts in Talos Island or Independence Port may also introduce Kirsten Woods to level 20–24 characters who do not have Georgia Fields, Justine Kelly, Kevin Cordell, Melanie Peebles, or Polly Cooper as a contact.

Kirsten Woods sells the eight standard small inspirations to heroes and vigilantes who have her as a contact.

Characters obtain 12 charges of the Genetic Restabilizer power by accepting Kirsten Woods's mission to try Genetic Restabilizer on Lost. Turning the mission in removes the power.

Characters can call her after reaching the relationship of colleague at 10 CXP, then speaking to her.

She may introduce other level 20–24 contacts in Talos Island or Independence Port to heroes and vigilantes up to level 24, after reaching the relationship of colleague at 10 CXP.

She introduces Eliza Thorpe or Lorenzo Tate to level 20–24 heroes and vigilantes after reaching the relationship of confidant at 60 CXP. Alternatively, regardless of relationship, she introduces a higher level contact in the Jonathan St. John Smythe–Crimson chain to level 25–50 heroes and vigilantes who have no contacts higher than Kirsten Woods in that chain.

Missions[edit | edit source]

Kirsten Woods offers an initial mission, then another seven missions to level 20–25 heroes and vigilantes. She is also one of multiple contacts who offer the security chief missions for Talos Island and Independence Port, but a character can complete each security chief mission only once.

Mission Levels CXP
Stop Captain, his squad Level 20–25 10 CXP
Defeat all Sky Raiders in lab Level 20–25 10 CXP
Combat Sky Raiders in Terra Volta Level 23–25 10 CXP
Stop Sky Raider attack Level 20–25 10 CXP
Defeat Lost leader and his crew Level 20–25 10 CXP
Try Genetic Restabilizer on LostGenetic Restabilizer Level 20–24 10 CXP
Combat Lost in Terra Volta Level 22–25 10 CXP
Combat Lost in Terra Volta Level 22–25 10 CXP
  1. Assist Security Chief
  2. Discourage gang war
Level 20–22 0, 10 CXP
  1. Assist the Security Chief
  2. Keep peace in Independence Port
Level 24 0, 10 CXP