Tony Kord
- Contact locations
- Atlas Park 948.0 38.1 −2204.5
- Echo: Atlas Park 884.0 42.0 −2168.5
- Alignment
- neutral
- Mission levels
- 5–14
- Badge
- Introduced by
- Rick Davies
- et al.
- Introduces
- Athena Currie
- Carla Brunelli
- Everett Daniels
- et al.
Tony Kord is a contact in Atlas Park and Echo: Atlas Park. He offers the mission Break up the Clockwork and the Skulls to level 5–10 heroes and vigilantes, and other missions to level 5–14 characters of any alignment.
Progression[edit | edit source]
Rick Davies may introduce Tony Kord to level 5–9 heroes and vigilantes. Detective Freitag, Detective Becktrees, or other level 5–14 contacts in Atlas Park or Kings Row may also introduce Tony Kord to level 5–9 characters who do not have Paula Dempsey as a contact.
Tony Kord sells the eight standard small inspirations to characters who have him as a contact.
Characters obtain the Negotiator accomplishment badge by completing Tony Kord's mission Break up the Clockwork and the Skulls.
Characters can call him after reaching the relationship of colleague/crony at 10 CXP, then speaking to him.
He may introduce other level 5–14 contacts in Atlas Park or Kings Row to level 1–9 characters, after reaching the relationship of colleague/crony at 10 CXP.
He introduces Athena Currie, Carla Brunelli, or Everett Daniels to level 9–15 heroes and vigilantes who have none of the three as a contact already, after reaching the relationship of confidant at 20 CXP. Alternatively, regardless of relationship, he introduces a higher level contact in the Rick Davies–Unai Kemen chain to level 10–50 heroes and vigilantes who have no contacts higher than Tony Kord in that chain.
Missions[edit | edit source]
Tony Kord offers three missions to level 5–10 characters. He is also one of multiple contacts who offer the security chief missions for Kings Row, Perez Park, Steel Canyon, Boomtown, and Skyway City, but a character can complete each security chief mission only once.
The mission to defeat all the Clockwork and Skulls is available to heroes and vigilantes only. It is also available as an Ouroboros flashback to heroes and vigilantes level 15 and up. It is listed as Break up the Clockwork and the Skulls under rookie (level 1–9), number 0.01.